The Benin Monarch, His Royal Majesty Omo N’Oba N’Edo Uku-Akpolokpolo Oba Ewaure 11 kick-started this year Ugie Festival with the performance of Otue – Ugierhoba rites.

Otue – Ugierhoba ceremony is used by the Benin Monarch to formally notify the ancestors and guardian spirits of the commencement of the Ugie festival and as well solicit for abundant blessings, good health, and general well-being of the kingdom during and after the festival.

The Ugierhoba rites which serve as a gateway to a series of spiritual activities by Benin customs and traditions also present Palace Chiefs the opportunities to pay homages to the Oba

The Omo N’Oba ‘N’Edo, on his way to Ugha-Eroba  (Ancestral Chamber), where the sacred ceremony was performed, stops briefly at Aro – Ozolua ( Ozolua shrine) to pay enthusiastic reverence to his ancestors for the protection throughout the outgoing year, just as ISIKUAN group (Royal Praise Singers) supplied ancient renditions in line with the traditions of Benin Kingdom.

Accompanied by Palace Chiefs, Enigie, members of the Benin Royal family, Priests, and Priestesses of different deities, including Palace functionaries, Oba Ewaure 11 progressed to Ugha-Eroba (Ancestral Chamber) where the ceremony was conducted.

Chief Letema presided over the Traditional Rites on behalf of Chief Ihama N’Ihogbe, the Head of Ihogbe group, which affords Omo N’ Oba N’Edo the rites of Igue festival.

Various Palace groups including EMEHEL, ISIKUAN, IKPEZEKEN, and others were alive to their huge responsibilities.

His Royal Majesty, Omo N’ Oba N’Edo, Uku Akpolokpolo, Ewuare 11, Oba of Benin also performed the Ugierhoba ceremony in line with customs and tradition of the Benin Kingdom.

Ugierhoba is a memorial anniversary of Oba’s ancestral fathers which are used to make propitiation to the spirits of the transited Royal forebears at the ancestral chamber axis of the Palace ground.

Oba Ewaure 11 used Ugierhoba rites to offer the intense sacrifice of adoration at the altar of his ancestors for divine protection, good health, prosperity as well as bountiful harvest ahead of the incoming new year.

The ceremony witnessed a colorful display of traditional dance with Eben (Ceremonial Sword) by eligible chiefs who were robed in different regalia with their endowments.

The ceremony was climaxed with the anointment of the Oba with the blood of sacrificial offerings by Chief Letema functioning in the absence of Chief Ihama,  Head of the Ihogbe group.

The Oba dance around the sacrificial offerings at the ceremonial dance arena, four times before using eben to pay homage to the spirits of his forebears.

The Palace was filled with people from different religious and ethnic backgrounds to catch the fun of the traditional ceremony.

To commemorate the event, a mock battle was keenly staged to re-enact the epic battle between the Uzama (Edion) and Edohun warriors loyal to the Oba centuries ago.

The rites gave amble opportunities for both warriors to pay absolute homage to the Oba’s throne and as well, pledge their unalloyed loyalty and allegiance to the Benin Monarchy.

The ceremony which took place at the ancient ceremonial arena of Ugha-Eroba saw the various traditional palace groups including Ikpakon ( Royal Elephant Tusk blowers) top palace chiefs, Royal family members, and functionaries in attendance.

The event later climaxed with a special thanksgiving service at the Benin National Church, the Holy Arousa Cathedral in Benin City, Edo State capital.

The Benin Monarch was accompanied by his children, members of the Royal family members, top Palace chiefs of different categories, Palace functionaries, district heads of various villages in the Benin Kingdom, market women including priests and priestesses of different deities, Oba Ewaure II was received in a gigantic ovation by the congregation.

In his homily, the Head Priest of Benin National Church of God Ohen-Osa Igbinoghoduwa Edebiri posited that obedience to constituted authorities especially the Benin monarch attracts great blessings of Almighty God. The Ohen-Osa of Benin foremost church explained that diligence in obedience and service to assigned authorities is part of the requirements to accomplish Heaven at the end of this life.

He proclaimed the revered Benin monarch and other constituted authorities are God’s representatives on earth as such everyone should be contented with them in service and obedience.

Ohen-Osa Edebiri exhorted worshipers to serve God and humanity in truth as to attract the Earthly and Heavenly coverage of God.

The Omo ‘N Oba ‘N Edo, through the presiding priest of Holy Aruosa,

thanked President Mohammad Buhari for his good leadership of the country, especially his directives to return looted Benin artefacts to Oba of Benin Palace.

Prayers were offered for peace, unity, and the development of the state and the country at large.

Continuing, Ohen-Osa Edebiri said the Monarch has every reason to thank God for all he has done in year 2021.

Apart from the peaceful conclusion of the annual Ugie festival, there were other numerous blessings which includes: the birth of the quatruplets, conferment of the title of Iye Oba N’ Edo; Omo N’ Ikueyemwen, the returned artefacts and general peace experienced in the State. He also used the occasion to appreciate the Emir of Kano, Aminu Ado Bayero and other top government officials for their roles in the return of the stolen Artefacts.

The market women group, Chiefs, Enigies, youth group and others were also appreciated by the Ohen-Osa for standing by the Monarch throughout the year particularly, during the run up to the return of the Artefacts.

He urged them to continue to give the Monarch all the necessary support to pilot the affairs of the kingdom, and play the stabilizing role in the State and country in general.

Highlight of the event was the special thanksgiving by the Monarch accompanied by members of the royal family, Chiefs , Enigies and others.